Christi Bryson


Christi Bryson's activity stream

  • donated 2025-01-19 05:19:37 -0600


    Button is a miniature donkey who was found running loose on a road with a jack donkey.  Button was only a couple of months old and had been separated from her mother. Buttons owner had passed away and the owners child/children did not want them and turned them loose on the road.  Button only weighed approximately 20 lbs.  We needed a safe equine to put Button with, so we slowly introduced Button to Jack, our QH gelding who is very gentle and suffers from depression. Jack will stop eating when he gets depressed. Giving him Button to care for, gave Jack a job and Button a safe place.  Button and Jack have been inseparable and now that Jack is older, Button takes care of him.

    Button is sponsored by Sherry Symington.

    Thank you for helping to provide Button with a long and happy life at W.A.R.


  • donated 2025-02-07 04:44:58 -0600

    Recurring Donation

    Every little bit counts when providing the best care possible for these wonderful equines.

    All of our equines have come to us due to some form of neglect.  It is people like you that give them a chance at a better life filled with love, patience and understanding.

    Your donation will help provide feed, hay, farrier, vet care, shelter and blankets for our equines on a monthly basis.

    Thank you for making a difference.


  • donated 2025-02-09 04:59:56 -0600


    Piper was the first foal born at W.A.R.  Piper's mom, Maggie, was part of a 4 pony rescue.  Maggie's rear hooves were exceptionally long and she could barely walk.  We worked on Maggie's hooves so she could walk properly and a short while later, Piper was born.

    Piper is an exceptional little pony and is another example of good ground training.  Piper has accepted everything we have shown her and has done several educational and fundraising events.  Piper suffers from ulcers and is prone to colic. Although our goal is to usually adopt out our equines, we keep some that we feel will be beneficial to our educational programs.  We feel that educating equine owners and the public on horsemanship is one of the best ways to stop abuse before it starts.  Piper is a great asset to this program.

    Piper is in need of an additional sponsor to cover her farrier cost of $30 per month. Whether you sponsor $10, $20 or $30 per month, it all adds up to make a difference in our equines lives.  

    Piper is sponsored by Martha Wall.

    Thank you for helping to provide Piper with a long and happy life at W.A.R.


  • donated 2024-07-16 11:54:58 -0500

    One Time Donation

    Every little bit counts when providing the best care possible for these wonderful equines.

    All of our equines have come to us due to some form of neglect.  It is people like you that give them a chance at a better life filled with love, patience and understanding.

    Your donation will help provide feed, hay, farrier, vet care, shelter and blankets for our equines.

    Thank you for making a difference.
